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Land Market Monitoring System

(2007) The Land Market Monitoring System (SMMT) was developed for the Ministry of Agrarian Development (MDA) in order to meet a demand from the National Land Credit Program (PNCF). SMMT is a system that compares the price of rural properties in the same location, considering characteristics such as agronomic conditions, location of the property, expected sales price, market agents, regional development, among others. When registering the deals carried out by the PNCF, the system calculates reference values for the properties financed by the program, also performing the calculation of the additional bonus.

Página do SMMT-MDA2.jpg
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GPP - Public Policy Group

Av. Pádua Dias 11 - CEP 13418-900
Department of Vegetable Production
(19) 3447-8859 |
Piracicaba | Sao Paulo | Brazil

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