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The continental dimension of Brazil and its regional diversity in terms of physical environment and sociocultural, productive and economic context impose public policy formulations that avoid simplifications and generalizations. More than that, policies and programs must accompany the rapid transformations of the rural environment, in order not to become obsolete and with little practical effect. The current scenario of reviewing public investment priorities makes it even more necessary to seek an alignment between existing policies and the current reality of these segments. Policies aimed at Technical Assistance and Rural Extension (ATER) are no exception to this rule. The GPP works in the formulation of ATER actions for different audiences, such as the review of the National ATER Policy (PNATER), originally aimed at family farmers, and now incorporating the medium producer into its scope.

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GPP - Public Policy Group

Av. Pádua Dias 11 - CEP 13418-900
Department of Vegetable Production
(19) 3447-8859 |
Piracicaba | Sao Paulo | Brazil

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