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PAA Leite: context of implementation, development and improvement possibilities

(2013) The work, requested by the Ministry of Social Development and Fight against Hunger (MDS), and recorded in a chapter of the book on the ten years of operation of the Milk Food Acquisition Program (PAA), presents a brief summary of the elements of its conception, which allows the reader to understand the context that guided the arrangement of the various components that determined its format. 


The analysis also addresses the scope of the PAA, systematizing the main figures for its execution, considering the evolution of allocated resources, beneficiaries and the dimensioning of the segments involved. The text also presents a synthesis of studies aimed at its evaluation, highlighting the most relevant results pointed out in each of them. With the text, we sought to compose an overview of the evolution of the PAA over time, its main limitations and results achieved. 


At the end, some suggestions are presented, which, in the view of the GPP, should reorient the development of the modality for the future period. The structuring of the text in this way aimed to raise some points capable of stimulating reflection on the configuration of programs, with the dual purpose of strengthening family farming and promoting food and nutritional security for families, contributing to the improvement of the implementation of the milk PAA .


Related Link: Food Acquisition Program

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GPP - Public Policy Group

Av. Pádua Dias 11 - CEP 13418-900
Department of Vegetable Production
(19) 3447-8859 |
Piracicaba | Sao Paulo | Brazil

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