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Potential and limitations of biomes are the subject of a study by the GPP with Sebrae

Result of a study conducted by the Public Policies Group of Esalq/USP, through a partnership between the Luiz de Queiroz Agrarian Studies Foundation (Fealq), Sebrae (Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Enterprises) and the Fórum do Futuro Institute , the book “Brazilian Biomes: Potentialities and Limitations for Agricultural Use” organizes and systematizes, in a spatialized and didactic way, scientific knowledge about the Amazon, Caatinga and Cerrado, with content to become a reference in sustainable planning in different territories .

According to researchers Simone Ranieri and Marcela Araujo, from the Public Policy Group (GPP-Esalq), the need to get to know the biomes in depth to guide the increase in food production on a sustainable basis motivated the realization of the project. “The agriculture/environment interface has gained increasing prominence in national and international publications, due to the important role played by the agricultural sector in the economy and its influence on the configuration of rural areas and the use of natural resources. The information gathered in the study and presented in the book provides a systemic view of the potential and limitations of tropical biomes for agricultural use, serving as a basis for sustainable sectoral planning and transformation in the territories”, says Simone.

The work translates, in simple language, concepts that can support the work of researchers, rural producers, managers, entrepreneurs and other professionals linked to agriculture. “We publish in the book the main results of the study, presenting highlights for each biome, such as land use and cover, agricultural aptitude, irrigated area and with potential for irrigation, share of the Gross Added Value of agriculture over the total, infrastructure, types of establishments rural areas, connectivity and coverage of technical assistance to producers”, details Marcela.

Demanded by Sebrae in 2020, as part of the Brazilian Biomes and Sustainable Development Project, the study was developed between October 2020 and June 2022, through an intense process of survey, analysis and spatialization of quantitative and qualitative data. The book was produced at the end of 2021, through the compilation, systematization and translation of relevant concepts and results, made by Zabelê Comunicação, always with technical assistance from the team executing the study. The general coordination is the director of Esalq/USP, Professor Durval Dourado Neto, and Victor Rodrigues Ferreira for Sebrae.


It is possible to download the book “Brazilian Biomes: Potentialities and Limitations for Agricultural Use” in its entirety by clicking here. All information contained in the work is also available on the Data Sebrae platform – click here to access it.


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